Right to be forgotten

Pursuant to Art. 17 of the European General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter GDPR or EU GDPR), users can exercise the "Right to be Forgotten", requesting the complete erasure of their personal data previously provided to Open Source Matters, Inc. (the legal entity who operates and represents the Joomla Project).

If you wish to exercise your right to be forgotten and to request the complete deletion of your personal data retained by Open Source Matters, Inc. please fill out the following form.
Your personal data will be deleted based on the details provided in your request. Should you notice a non complete erasure due to the usage of pseudonyms or other email addresses, please proceed with a new erasure request specifying such additional information.

If you contributed to the Joomla Project as member (at any level, from Team Member up to Board Member) some of your personal information (such as full name, nationality, birth date) will be retained due to legal reasons as Open Source Matters, Inc. is a membership organization and shall keep the records of its members.
If you contributed with code, extensions, articles, please note that your contributions will be kept, even after this request will be processed. Your contributions may be assigned to a non-personal user ID.

Our intent is to process your request and ensure a complete erasure without undue delay and in any event within one month of receipt of the request. That period may be extended by two further months where necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of the requests. A completion note will be sent to the email address specified in the request.

Should you have any questions prior to send this request, please write to privacy@joomla.org.

Please let us know your first name.
Please let us know your last name.
Please let us know your email address.
Please list the URLs and usernames you are using to log in
Please let us know the email address(es) linked to your account(s)
Please let us know your message.
This checkbox is compulsory if you want to send your request
Please confirm your information are accurate
Invalid Input
Note: After submitting this form, you'll receive a copy of your submission by email with a confirmation link. Please click on it so that we can proceed with the removal.