Joomla! makes creating and maintaining Web sites easy for everyone, from total beginners setting up their first site to IT professionals managing enterprise installations.

Get the Basic Details

If you have never used Joomla! before, you might want to read What is Joomla? first. If you are evaluating Joomla! for use on a project, you may want to review the materials for evaluators on the Joomla! Documentation Wiki.

Download Joomla! and Run it yourself.

If you're ready to install Joomla, download the latest version here, you'll be up and running in no time. You can also check out the short FAQ on that page and read the tutorial on how to install Joomla.

Get started on allows you to launch a fully functional and free Joomla website. You will get started with just a click on a button, opening up to endless possibilities, full responsive, multilingual... It even includes sFTP, PHPMyAdmin, and the ability to install extensions. You can keep it as long as you login and click a “renew” button once every 30 days. The only limitations are 200mb of disk space, subdomain usage, and your imagination...

Find Documentation and Help

Localised documentation for Joomla! is available on the Joomla! Documentation Wiki at Choosing a user type will help you find the appropriate resources on the wiki. The wiki page The Absolute Beginners Guide to Joomla contains lots of information, advice, and links for first time users. If you have more questions, visit the Joomla! forums.

Get Ready to Install

Getting started on your Joomla! web site is easy to do. Many hosting services offer a simple one-click installation, but if you'd rather be more hands-on, have more control or are your own host, all you need is a Web server with PHP and MySQL. Most commercial hosts provide these as part of their basic package of services. Then download a copy of Joomla. Then visit our install documentation to continue your adventure.

For Developers and Designers

If you're looking to get started in Joomla! development, is the best place for you to start. There you'll find tons of information on Joomla, the APIs and much more. Also more documentation is available on

If you're a designer and want to learn more about creating Joomla! templates, the Template management section shows how easy it is to design in Joomla.

If you are an administrator you can find your documentation here.
