How can you use the power of Joomla! to its fullest extent? How can you make Joomla! even better? Here are a few ways:

Browse the Joomla! Extensions Directory™

Joomla! was made to be highly extensible and customizable to your needs. Thousands of extensions are available in the Joomla! Extensions Directory™, many of which are free of charge. If you're a developer wanting to write your own extensions, there are a number of resources available online.

Visit the Joomla! Extensions Directory »
How you can write your own extensions »

Create and Find Translations

Joomla! has been translated in many world languages and we're always looking to translate for more.

Find out more about Joomla! in your language »
Didn't find Joomla! in your language? How to easily create a localization »

Engage in the Joomla! Forums

The Joomla! Forums are a vibrant community of users asking for help and giving expert advice. Whether it's a general question about what Joomla! can do, a deeply technical question, or help with installation, you're likely to find the answers in our multi-lingual forums.

Join the Joomla! Forums »

Attend a Joomla! Event or Local Joomla! User Group

Joomla! User Groups meet regularly all over the world and provide an excellent opportunity for users to share ideas and experiences with using Joomla.

Check events in your area »
Check user groups in your area »
No user group in your area? How to easily form a user group »

Develop for Joomla!

Whether you want to contribute to core development, create an extension, or report issues the Joomla! development community provides you with many resources an opportunities for participation.

Joomla! Developer Network »
Development Mailing Lists »
Joomla! API »

Get and Create Help Documentation

The extensive documentation resources for Joomla! are constantly being expanded and updated. You'll find many helpful sections on just about every subject imaginable and your expertise is welcome to make it even better.

Visit the Joomla! Documentation Wiki »

Join a Joomla! Team

All our volunteers contribute by participating in the Joomla! Teams. Each team focuses on a specific aspect of Joomla! essential to the Project's overall growth and all have formal expectations and goals. If you are you willing to contribute to a team, just ask them.

Visit the Volunteers Portal »

Visit the Joomla! Community Portal

The Joomla! Community Portal™ is the ideal place to find a variety of resources for novices and experts alike. It's a launching point for everything community-related, from our Joomla! User Groups™ to the JoomlaConnect™ the news source created by the worldwide Joomla! Community.

Visit the Joomla! Community Portal »
